supported data
and industrial purposes
- 1Search for materials with tailor-made properties
- 2Find new relevant scientific articles and patents to stimulate your research
- 3Explore rich profile of the required material with plenty of numerical and graphical data
- 4Compare in-house results with other published experimental data
- 5Update your hi-tech industry with advanced materials as soon as possible
- 6Gain competitive advantage with our data
demonstration video

June 16 - 20, 2019. Torino, Italy
Asked Questions
What is Glacer.online?
Glacer.online is the database of the most recent published experimental data on ceramics and glasses, their properties, syntheses and application. This unique database could be very useful to material science specialists (both academic and industrial) working on the topics like Ceramics and Glasses, Transparent ceramics, Electro-ceramics, Glass ceramics, Bioceramics, Advanced Ceramic Materials, Ceramics and Composites, Composite Materials, Ceramic Coatings, Advanced Materials and Technologies, Materials and Innovative Processing, Nanostructured Ceramics, Porous Ceramics, Sintering, Crystalline Materials, Ceramics Applications, Bioceramics and Medical Applications, Functional Ceramics and Inorganics, Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics, Ceramic Compounds: Ceramic Materials, Ceramics in Biology and Medicine, Ceramic Industry and Environment, Non-oxide Ceramics, Nuclear Ceramics and other.
What are the registered objects for the database?
They are ceramics, inorganic glasses, glass-ceramics (in other words - devitrified glass), cermets (these are ceramic-metal structures) and the composites of the above mentioned substances (ceramic composites, glass composites and other). Оnly substances with experimentally supported data are entered into the Glacer.online database.
Which kind of information is included into the database?
The focus of the Glacer.online scientific database is numerical data and plots of physical properties. Near 100 different types of numerical data (among other digitized values from printed graphs) for mechanical, electrical, optical, magnetic and other properties are included into the database, all of them are searchable. Every parameter has associated measurement conditions like temperature, wavelength, frequency and others which are also searchable. Additionally plenty of non-numerical types of physical properties for ceramic materials (at the moment about 1000) are available in the search result.
Does Glacer.online provide the information on the preparations of materials?
Every preparation process is visualized as flowchart. Starting materials are interactive on clicking. The synthesis conditions like temperature, pressure, time and pH are stored as numerical data. Not only chemical but of course all physical treatment steps are described too. Moreover, the special link is established every time between the properties for the registered substance and its way of synthesis if applicable.
How often do you add new data?
The database is updated weekly with the newly published experimental data.
Which search capabilities do you provide?
It is possible to search by desired formula or different elements and their combination. It is also possible to search and filter using any combinations of the material properties, for example: materials with desired Young’s modulus in desired temperature range, or any other parameters and much more. Among various filter options are publication year, material type (ceramics, glasses, glass-ceramics and so on), atom content, any desired range of investigated properties, and additional investigation parameters like temperature, frequency and wavelength.
Does Glacer.online require installation?
Glacer.online is the web-based search platform, so it doesn't require any installation. Only Internet access is needed.
Could I see a demo of Glacer.online?
Demonstration video is avaible at glacer.online website. Please contact us using the "request access" form if you need more detailed demonstration or trial access.
Do I need a password to access Glacer.online?
We offer corporate or academic campus-wide access licenses at a flat-rate on annual subscription basis. This includes user authentication via IP address recognition.
Does Glacer.online link to full-text articles and patents?
Yes, Glacer.online gives direct access to the publisher home pages or patent offices. Access to the external publisher’s content may require a subscription license. Patents and open access journals are publicly available.
We are the team of information professionals with the inception of our activities since 1990. Our key competence is data abstraction from scientific literature and the creation of advanced information products and services.
Among our customers there are leading publishers and information centers worldwide. The abstractors are highly trained scientists with their long-term experience in material science, physics, chemistry and biology.
The company’s experience portfolio includes the development of products on nanomaterials, chemical structures and organic syntheses, plant biostimulants, biological properties of substances and much more.
We are working for you. Our information – your success!